Monday, March 1, 2010

if you need me...I'll be in the playroom

The last two weeks since we moved into the living project I like to call "house triage." From the moment this house became an actual living space, we have been meeting needs as they arise. Day one, two year old Dolly needed a nap. So, since her bed was sitting in the family room I threw her mattress on it, found a blanket and put her in it. Honestly, if the blanket hadn't been close I would have settled for a roll of paper towels!

Unpack a box. Bring Greg another tool.

Little man's hungry, I move on to the kitchen. No bread? Really?

Unpack a box. Wield shop vac like the construction clean-up diva that I am.

Dolly's awake, shop vac's too noisy. She's board. Little man's board too...Greg needs me to remove all the rusty nails from the beams he's recycling. Really, I am just one person. One person who love's my two darling toddlers, who are troopers. But any board child, in a sea of "don't touch" is frustrating for everyone. Especially if everyone does have a lot of demands today!

It was at this point I realized that we'd had enough babysitters and playdates, compromise and rearranging. Day one of living in the house I just didn't want to inconvenience them anymore. One day we are all living comfortably in our little cottage home, now we are sitting in a giant and often dangerous project where basically everything is off limits and nothing is functioning.

I went into a complete nesting rage, more like a panic and my hubby, being the good guy that he is, somehow had time to simultaneously build our house and get the kiddos out of it for a couple hours so I could stew. Stew and create a space where my children would feel at home. The wonderland of clean floors, dust free fixtures, pretend tools, books and freedom! The Playroom.

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