Saturday, March 20, 2010

House Interrupted

If you have ever moved into a new space you understand some balancing and rearranging is required. In our former house my son's room had this fabulous closet that we lined with spacious built in shelves, thus eliminating the need for a dresser. Now, I am down spacious built-in shelves and was in the market for a new dresser until recently.

I am a sucker for old, charming furniture and my husband is a glutton for a good refinish. So, I picked up this little beauty off of craigslist for $75 and figured I would use it, as is, for my daughter until a later date. This would free up the more masculine dresser for mister man. In theory, this was a great idea. Once we got it home however, we realized, the more than likely lead paint from the 30's was chipping mercilessly!

So, sorry but our regularly scheduled house remodel has been temporarily interrupted to bring you this dresser refinish.

The saddest part about this tale is that the little decorative details were cracked and disintegrated when we attempted to remove them. And so, along with fixtures, vanities, tile, and housewares. My list of things to find has grown by two decorative onlays! Looking for something floral and just as charming. Will keep you posted.

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