Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Week One Progress Report

We are at the conclusion of week one of renovation and here's
where we are:

We currently have all the popcorn off the ceilings, bagged and out of the house! WOOT! No more protective masks! Beam in living room has been encased in sheet-rock. Ceilings have been patched, sanded, patched again, sanded again, textured, texture removed in two rooms and textured a final time. That's right, I said twice. Greg is type-A.

All the wallpaper has been eradicated with reasonable simplicity. One great thing about being old, the glue was tired and the sheets of paper practically jumped off the wall with my glare of disdain.

The carpets and padding have been removed with considerable effort. The padding along with being old, was saturated with puppy pee. Scrapping up the dust and clumps it left behind was much like crawling through a litter box! Not something I would do again, but here's to the dismissal of that awful smell! Staples have been removed from the floor boards in the nursery, office, foyer and hall. This leaves the Master, bath and closets.

Most of the fixtures and light coverings have been removed, along with the paneling and some floor boards. Greg has also brightened things up with the addition of some canned lights in the bedrooms.

the weeks highlight:

Greg pulled an all-nighter, lost track of time and didn't tell me he wasn't coming home. One nightmarish 30 minutes later I became an advocate for the construction buddy system!

what's next:

Up this week is PAINT, doors, and more paint! Primer on the ceilings, primer on the floors, paint on the walls, and on my brand new doors!!! Ha, that rhymed!


  1. post before pics now! AND during pics!

    in fact, step by step tutorials would be genius!

    speaking of, i am launching a new Homemaking/Home Design DIY blog this month and I am telling you, this sort of blog, with lots of pics, step by step instructions, and even videos is really hot for internet traffic right now...

    for instance, have you read what you are doing--- is what they did--- but they blogged the whole thing it it has really PAID OFF for them.

    i would love to link to you and your story in my new blog when it is up and running.. in fact, i am not going to even give you the new address, cause the new design isn't up yet, but we could team up and inter-link!

    or... whateva!

    btw, i need a new invite to your family blog. i haven't seen it in a long time... i'd love to see what you've done since the last time i peeked!

  2. Thanks Angie, totally, and no I hadn't heard of young house love, that is really fun!
