Last window house #1 2007-

Last window house #2 2010-

So, I know it is 2011 but this was one of our last projects of 2010. It was 9 pm and I was in my slippers, standing outside in my robe, hoisting a giant window into the giant opening in the wall. Hoping that the neighbors would not mind our construction noise for just 30 more minutes. After which, Greg said "Got it?" And I prayed the weight of my head would support the mass long enough for him to place a few nails! It did.
Since installing this window a lot of people have asked us why we wanted to put a giant window in our homes most intimate space? I get it, I really do. But my first thought is, "Why not?" I can think of about a-ga-gillion reasons to do it, natural light being my first and most prominent reason. My second is good design. My third, natural light. Fourth, balance. Fifth, have I mentioned natural light? Because really, it's reason enough for me!