Saturday, August 14, 2010

First Window In...barely

When you are installing your own windows you have to do it in order of priority. For us, the first window to change was easy to select. Just listen for the one that rattles when you walk down the hall, has no screen and gets full afternoon sun. It will lead you to bedroom number three, aka the office/guest room.

Greg installed all the windows in our last house, this should be cake, in theory! The caveat, as there always is with these sorts of things, was a miscalculation in the size of the window. The fin on the former 1969 window had a step down that is no longer used, and was not anticipated. Long story short, the new window's are approximately 1/4" too large all the way around for the allotted space.

{Insert me panicing}

Fortunately for me, I married an engineer who found a solution by making the space mildly larger. Seems simple enough but is mildly involved. At least they'll be snug! Nice save babe!

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