Saturday, April 10, 2010

Keep calm the dust settles

My mantra lately has been, "keep calm, the dust settles!" During WWII the propaganda poster "Keep calm, and carry on" was produced to help the British keep a stiff upper lip. Today, with a house that is barely functional each day finds me in the trenches of Home remodeling warfare and I have to remind myself that the dust will soon settle.

Today, little sister and I were washing our hands in the bathroom, only to find ourselves all lathered up and no water to rinse with. Yes, mid wash Daddy turned the water off for the plumber. As I desperately looked around, no towel, no cup of water and yes, the thought occurred to me...the toilet? But as that would have completely defeated the purpose of hand washing, I grabbed her little wrists and we marched to the kitchen suds and all.

Yesterday, there were several potty accidents, an incident involving a bowl of pea soup, the kitchen floor, wall, chairs, table, and adjoining hallway. Normal things in a toddler household, made extremely UN-normal by the projects that surround us and the subsequent lack of sinks, washers, and tubs.

But at the end of the day when I am staring down a mound of laundry and no where to clean it, I know that this is just a season of our lives. Having experienced the rewards that come with this kind of battle I know we will not be defeated! I find myself grateful for the little things, like running water to wash my hands and I am really grateful for the opportunity we have to beautify our home and apply our creativity and ingenuity in this way. So, if you're having a hard day, just hold on and remember that the dust will settle!

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