Thursday, April 29, 2010

Ta-duh...introducing half of a hall bath!

Triple Threat Progress Report

We are slowly moving towards a complete bathroom and laundry room. The half bath is a little behind! Here is the hall bath with our pretty suede floors, glass slipper paint and half of the medicine cabinets.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Who is that mysterious plumber?

Plumber: Joe Bell

One of our plumbers was extremely camera shy! But both were friendly & knowledgeable...
affordable too! Joe was also ideal for us because he was kind enough to work with us in stages. Perfect for DIYers.

They came and plumbed all the sewer lines in our triple threat project a week ago.

We are now about mid-way through the project(s) on a whole and mid-way through the sheet rockin' Paint and tile are slated for this weekend and with my brother flying in tomorrow to lend a hand we are hoping to be out of this mess and into our new cleansing spaces soon!

first down: half bath
second down:laundry room
third and fourth down:hall bath

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Keep calm the dust settles

My mantra lately has been, "keep calm, the dust settles!" During WWII the propaganda poster "Keep calm, and carry on" was produced to help the British keep a stiff upper lip. Today, with a house that is barely functional each day finds me in the trenches of Home remodeling warfare and I have to remind myself that the dust will soon settle.

Today, little sister and I were washing our hands in the bathroom, only to find ourselves all lathered up and no water to rinse with. Yes, mid wash Daddy turned the water off for the plumber. As I desperately looked around, no towel, no cup of water and yes, the thought occurred to me...the toilet? But as that would have completely defeated the purpose of hand washing, I grabbed her little wrists and we marched to the kitchen suds and all.

Yesterday, there were several potty accidents, an incident involving a bowl of pea soup, the kitchen floor, wall, chairs, table, and adjoining hallway. Normal things in a toddler household, made extremely UN-normal by the projects that surround us and the subsequent lack of sinks, washers, and tubs.

But at the end of the day when I am staring down a mound of laundry and no where to clean it, I know that this is just a season of our lives. Having experienced the rewards that come with this kind of battle I know we will not be defeated! I find myself grateful for the little things, like running water to wash my hands and I am really grateful for the opportunity we have to beautify our home and apply our creativity and ingenuity in this way. So, if you're having a hard day, just hold on and remember that the dust will settle!

Friday, April 9, 2010

As of right now...

...this is the hall bath,

this is the laundry room/half bath,

this is the living room fireplace,

and this is the truck load from Home Depot today, with the future contents of the afore mentioned spaces; plus Greg's new toy. Can you spot it? It's a posh, new tile saw.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dear King Kruger,

Thanks so much for the carving of your royal name. Your tagging skills are truly amazing and very much appreciated. How else would I know who to thank for this splendid cement work; where else could I find such belly busting laughter upon it's discovery?

I regret to inform you however, that over the past 40 years home style has evolved and I have outgrown you. This is why I am updating the mantle. Thanks for the memories.

All the best,
The Barkton House