Sunday, January 2, 2011

Installing the last window is momentous!

Last window house #1 2007- Last window house #2 2010-
So, I know it is 2011 but this was one of our last projects of 2010. It was 9 pm and I was in my slippers, standing outside in my robe, hoisting a giant window into the giant opening in the wall. Hoping that the neighbors would not mind our construction noise for just 30 more minutes. After which, Greg said "Got it?" And I prayed the weight of my head would support the mass long enough for him to place a few nails! It did.

Since installing this window a lot of people have asked us why we wanted to put a giant window in our homes most intimate space? I get it, I really do. But my first thought is, "Why not?" I can think of about a-ga-gillion reasons to do it, natural light being my first and most prominent reason. My second is good design. My third, natural light. Fourth, balance. Fifth, have I mentioned natural light? Because really, it's reason enough for me!

Insert clever hearth title here

We tackled the removal of the family room hearth and were surprised to discover that the bulk of it was filled with sand! This of course is understandable and made disposal a lot simpler. Greg constructed this nifty strainer out of the mesh grate to filter the sand into our wheelbarrow so we could til it into the garden. Surprisingly, this ingenious idea was mine. For the record.

A few more...and the wall came tumbling down

This event really does deserve multiple posts. It was a very big deal that the wall was NOT load bearing and that it came down so effortlessly. It has also been a very big deal to have a big room since it left us.

I found It!

So, remember how I told you I couldn't find the picture of my paint drama in the living room? Well, it's a new years miracle! See? A picture really is worth a thousand words.

Friday, October 15, 2010

now you see out of it | now you don't...and a wall update

So, the twin window seats are a dream come true, or at least they will be! Here is the former window situation and a shot of the twins together, with that silly wall in the way. We have submitted a request to an architect to determine if the wall is load bearing. Initial reports are good which is hugely exciting! Once we have a green light the wall will come falling down and we will sheet rock our great room! This week?

Yay} foyay

The stripes were applied with a meticulous hand. Greg graphed the area to determine the appropriate width of each stripe to ensure a perfect circle. After applying the bottom coat, he marked everything off as shown using a green painters tape and a guide he made out of a ruler. Then before applying the darker color he used a small hand brush and saturated the tape with the base color.

Monday, October 11, 2010

The great paint debate

I am completely stumped! I have been sitting on this post trying to locate a picture I am sure I took of the living room with all of our samples splattered all over the walls. The picture really would have said it all. We invested about $30 in $5 paint samples trying to figure out what color to paint the living room. I must humbly admit that this is the first time I have ever been so indecisive with paint. But, this room is vaulted and has lots of changing light. Paint on the wall would look one color by the window and then look completely different just 12 inches away! Needless to say, it was a challenge and the finished product is a story in and of itself.

Along the way to this color we tried various Benjamin Moore golden hues. Good news is, we now have a color for the great room. Then we explored taupe, and various yellowish greens. Not loving any of these we both recalled a Ralph Lauren color, Cotswold Breechest which we had used in my mom's kitchen. So, we tracked down a sample of it, thinking with all the light it would be just a shade lighter than we recalled the kitchen-perfection! Until we put it up and were surprised by how dark it was. We added white. Perfect! Greg heads out to Miller to match it before the sale ends at 5. When he get's back he admits he changed his mind at the last minute for a greenish taupe: Devine - CRUNCH. I looked at him in utter disbelief and secret jubilation. Now if it's wrong it won't be my fault! So, without further ado...our living room in Devine Crunch. What do you think?