Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Headers, baseboards and trim oh, my!

During the lull between tile shipments, Greg has put his efforts into the trim work. He has found it surprisingly unmotivating and has been lamenting it's mild impact. I reminded him that the trim is what finishes the room, and hey, that means you're FINISHED!

I am a big fan myself. They're grand, but still understated.


I have been waiting for the moment when I could look down this hall and see my monochromatic vision take shape. The before image doesn't do an excellent job of illustrating how dark this hall used to be, but you can see the dark wood and get a general idea.

Now that the doors have been replaced and the walls have been painted a calm, neutral I am starting to see my vision come together. When I walk down this hall now, I love the blast of white and light that greets me and with each addition I know it will only continue to delight.

For whatever reason this felt like a landmark achievement for me in this process and it got me thinking about all the things I was sad to leave in our last house and how they are starting to slowly be restored. A finished, beautifully remodeled bathroom for example! Plus, all the extras I didn't a gas range and soon to be three bathrooms! I guess this means we are out of the really dismal phase and I now have more than hope to keep me going.

The rest of the hall bath...

So, if you want to get nit-picky it's not completely complete! We still have some touch up paint to do, the shower light lens to install and the floor register. As well as the pulls and knobs for the cabinets and drawers. Someday, there will be pictures on the walls and I am hoping some additional shelving. But for our purposes today, I'm gonna say one space down, 9ish to go!